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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Low Carb Diet - The Be All, End All?

Hello my friends!

It's been a little while since I last posted. I haven't really
been able to get to the gym recently (double hernias - YOUCH!)
but fortunatley have been able to maintain a fairly healthy
weight at 230lbs.

Mostly because of a sensible diet of high protein, low carb
foods along with a good mix of fruits, veggies and lots of water.

HINT: Drink more water than any other beverage to stay fit
and healthy!

Anyway, I was just reading an article regarding low carb diet
plans - actually more about weight loss and a healthy lifestyle
plan - when I came across this statement which made a lot of

There's no single diet solution for every person and every problem -- humans are too diverse for that -- but there are clear advantages to low-carb diets for people who have diminished insulin sensitivity. Insulin is the master hormone that determines where food goes after you put it into your mouth, and carbohydrates stimulate insulin more than any other nutrients.

This seems like such a simple statement yet it rings so true
and makes so much sense!

Everybody's different. Genetics play such an important role
in the makeup of our bodies. Yet there are things you can do
to help yourself.

Like eating a sensible low carb diet, exercising and drinking
plenty of water.

This is a lifestyle! It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

Make good, common sense changes to your lifestyle and habits
and you WILL see results.

Click here to read the full story.

Good luck and God Bless!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

HELLO! This Is What I've Been Saying All Along!

OK. Let me get this straight. Here's a story about a woman who's
going the low carb diet route to a healthier lifestyle.

You can read it by clicking here.

Anyway, she seems to be a little put off by the whole "carb
deprivation" thing. It sounds as though she's following the Adkins
diet where you cut out carbs completely until you reach a stage
of ketosis and your body thinks it's starving so it starts burning
fat for energy.

Now she's saying that she can't do low carb.

BUT...if you've read ANY of my previous posts then you know
that what I've been recommending all along is a diet that's
just that - a LOW CARB DIET! Not a no carb diet!

Eating right consists of eating the right kinds of carbs.

Whole grain breads and pasta in small amounts along with
bigger portions of protein and moderate fat intake.

Your body needs carbs for energy! Protein builds muscle.
You even need fat in your diet to help body functions.

So make sure you eat right, excercise regularly and drink
plenty of water through out the day.

low carb diet

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Best and Worst Low Carb Foods

When it comes to a low carb diet, you'll see that there are
different types of diets AND more importantly, different
types of carbs!

Check out the article below to see which fruits you may
want to include in your low carb diet plan.

The Best and Worst Low Carb Foods

Some low carb diets depend on glycemic index or glycemic
load while other low carb diets depend more upon total carbs.
Some low carb diets restrict healthy foods such as fruits all
together. Your safest bet is to check carb counts which are
arranged by sugar content while taking volume and weight
into account.

The great news is that the fruits that are the lowest in sugar
are the ones with the most nutritional value including
powerful antioxidants and other phytonutrients. The fruits
that are low in sugar include papayas, apples, cherries,
pears, guava, plums, peaches, melons, apricots, grapefruit,
blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and
cranberries. Consume as many of these fruits in as big of
a variety as your diet will allow you to eat each day.

The fruits that are high in sugar and carbs and should be
avoided are bananas, mangos, dried fruits, kiwi, pineapple,
oranges, tangerines, and grapes.

When it comes to low carb diets most vegetables are
encouraged though they still may be limited. The vegetables
that are all non starchy and are usually low in carbs includes
cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, celery, lettuce,
spinach, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, eggplant, tomatoes,
green beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peppers, cucumber,
pickles without added sugar, avocado, onions, okra, pumpkin,
turnip, carrots, squash, and sprouts.

There are some vegetables that should be avoided because
they are starchy and high in carbs such as all types of
potatoes, plantains, peas, corn, carrots, and beets.

Check your specific diet to see how many calories and carbs
you are allowed to consume every day. Make sure you count
all carbs such as organ meats, limited consumption to 4 oz.
per day. Also limit your consumption of hot dogs, bacon, and
processed meats. All diets can benefit from limited the foods
that have high saturated fats.
Posted in: Weight Loss : 02.24.07

low carb

Friday, February 23, 2007

A Good Low Carb Diet May Be Heart Healthy

Here's a little (low carb!) food for thought when considering
whether a low carb diet may be right for you!

Study: Low-Carb Diet May Not Up Heart Risk

MIAMI -- There's no question low-carb diets can knock
off the pounds, but there have been many questions and
claims about the eating plan's long-term effects on heart

Now, new research is weighing in on that debate.

"It's the diet that defies conventional weight loss logic,"
Dr. Yvonne Braver, Women's Health Specialist from the
Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine said. "Low-carb plans
often give the green light to generous portions of high-fat

Advocates and some short-term studies suggest the diet
may even help ward off heart disease, but the first long-term
study finds the answer may be somewhere in the middle.

"The high-protein, high-fat diets are helpful for a lot of
people," Braver said. "They do help a lot of people lose weight."

Harvard researchers said they analyzed 20 years of eating
habits of more than 80,000 women and found no increase or
decrease in the risk of heart disease among the low-carb eaters.

Researchers said they did find one exception -- women who
chose fat and protein from vegetable sources had a 30 percent
lower risk of heart disease.

They noted that the findings point to the importance of choosing
healthy fats and complex carbohydrates when dieting.

Braver said she stresses to her patients that even with trendy
diets, balance is still key.

"For people to find the best diet, they need to get on a sensible
plan," Braver said. "Basically, eating normal food normally,
incorporating lots of healthy fruits veggies and limiting portion
sizes along with incorporating exercise into routine helps."

Researchers said the study is certainly not the final word on
low-carb diets, but does add weight to the evidence that picking
the right foods, even fats, can make a difference.

Short-term studies have suggested that low-carb diets may
improve cholesterol and other risk factors for heart disease.

The study appeared in the Nov. 9, 2006, issue of The New
England Journal of Medicine.

low carb diet

Monday, February 05, 2007

Is Fruit A No-No On A Low Carb Diet?

Is fruit a no-no on a low carb diet?

Many seem to think so because of the high sugar
content of most fruits. Personally, I like to eat fruit
as a part of a well balanced food plan.

The high protein shakes I drink at the gym (which
are truly fabulous!) are made with a banana and
pineapple juice. This goes back to including
excercise along with your low carb diet.

One of the top low carbers on the net, Jimmy Moore,
seems to agree that fruit IS an acceptable part of the

Here's an excerpt from one of his posts:

This Fredericksburg, VA-based Free-Lance Star column
about how important exercise is for the sake of brain
function included some rather lamebrained information
perpetuating the myths about fruit consumption when
you are livin' la vida low-carb that are obviously NOT
based on any low-carb program I am familiar with.

Here's the quote from the article:

Low-carb diets are all wrong. "It makes me crazy," the
medical expert in the story said, when his patients tell
him they can't eat fruit and vegetables because they're
on a low-carb diet. "Almost all the anti-aging nutrients
come from carbohydrates."

If somebody is telling their doctor they can't eat any
fruit at all because they are on a low-carb diet, then
apparently they haven't read any of the same low-carb
diet books that I have. Certainly, there are a few
high-sugar fruits that are not recommended for
low-carbers to consume, including bananas, raisins,
and even orange juice, especially during the weight
loss phases because they will kick you out of ketosis
just as fast as a sugary candy bar will.

I have blogged about some of my favorite low-glycemic
fruits such as yummy blueberries and strawberries as
well as melons and cantaloupes that have been and still
are an essential part of my Atkins low-carb lifestyle. It
makes me scratch my head in bewilderment whenever
people ask me if I eat fruit now that I've lost weight.
Um, I've been eating fruit throughout my low-carb
journey, so DUH!

Read the rest here.

As I've said many times before, a well balanced low
carb diet along with excercise and drinking
plenty of water is the key to sustained weight

BTW, I've been slacking at the gym lately but I'm getting
ready to return so I'll have some new updates soon.

Good luck to all!


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Low-carb High Protein Diets | Best Syndication

Have you ever wondered just exactly what is considered
low carb?

Read the article below to see what kinds of food will and
won't make the list.

Low-carb High Protein Diets

This type of diet became very popular as of recently due
to the promotion of the ever-popular Atkins Diet Craze.
This diet is very popular because there is no calorie
counting involved, and many foods that many people
love to eat are allowed on the diet.

Further, the Atkins diet is a high-protein diet, which
means that weight lost during this diet will not result
in lost muscle mass, since protein is the main nutrient
needed for maintaining healthy muscle tone. This diet
basically eliminates carbohydrates, which are simple
sugars or foods that break down into simple sugars.
These serve as empty calories in your diet, providing
no nutrients yet many calories.

While we won't cover the Atkins diet here, we can give
you basics of the high-protein, low-carb diet.

First let us identify carbohydrates. Sugar, including
powdered sugar, granulated white sugar, brown
sugar, or any type of sugar you can think of, is the
main carbohydrate that you would need to

All types of pastas count as carbohydrates, meaning all
noodle and spaghetti products must be eliminated.

Starches of any type, such as white rice, potatoes and
potato chips, need to be eliminated. Cereals are mostly
carbohydrates and should be avoided entirely during the
diet phase. Because of the low-carb craze, there are many
low-carb options of sodas, milk, ice cream, bread, beer,
and wine available in the average supermarket.

If you do consume these, be sure to do so only occasionally
and in moderation, even if it is a low-carb type. Otherwise,
the aforementioned foods should be eliminated entirely
when not of the low-carb type. Beware of foods that contain
hidden sugars, like bacon, barbeque sauce, ketchup, salad
dressing, cough syrup, and fruit juice.

As strange as it may seem, fruits and fruit juices should be
eliminated while in the weight loss phase of this diet, as
they are nearly pure carbohydrates. Anything made with
flour needs to be eliminated during the weight loss phase,
since as mentioned earlier they are high in carbohydrates.

Now what can you eat? Well, the good news is that you can
eat all meats, fish, poultry and seafood, except prepared
meats like bacon and honey baked ham, which are high in
sugar. Skip the bread and have meat and salad, or meat in
your salad.

Eggs are very low-carb friendly, but be sure to skip the
mayonnaise or salad dressing unless it is low-carb type
mayonnaise or dressing. Any type of vegetable is fine, but
be sure to realize that when making that salad that tomatoes
are actually a fruit, and you want to limit your consumption
of them at least during the weight loss phase.

Choose brown rice as your starch replacement, as it is low
in carbohydrates comparatively to potatoes, bread or white
rice. Cheese is good in limited amounts, as this is a high-protein,
low-carb food. Butter and cream can be used, but should be
consumed in limited amounts. One complex carbohydrate
that is good is fiber, as it does not break down into simple
sugar, and helps the body with elimination. Further, fiber fills
you up quickly without adding significant calories, so hunger
pangs are fought off successfully.

Finally, make sure you are drinking at least eight 8-ounce
glasses of water a day minimum in addition to any other
liquid you may consume. Dehydration often masquerades as
hunger and causes overeating. Of course, again exercise is a
necessary and vital part of your diet plan, which we will cover
in the next section on exercise.

Once you lose the weight that you set out to lose, the weight
loss phase of your diet is over. Of course keep in mind that you
are making lifestyle changes, not going on fad or binge diets.
This means that you will not go back to your old eating habits.

Instead you will introduce certain foods back into your diet in
moderation. For example, you may add a couple of strips of
bacon once a week to your meal plan. You can enjoy small
portions of deserts of any kind, simply in moderation. It is
best to avoid soft drinks all together, or opt for the low-carb
type permanently.

If you do introduce any other carbohydrate-laden foods, be
sure to do so only at one meal, and in small portions. Reducing
carbohydrates will become a lifestyle to you when following
this plan, one is very likely to boost your overall energy level
and help you keep the weight off.

By Kirsten Hawkins
Kirsten Hawkins is a nutrition and health expert from Nashville,
TN. Visit for more great nutrition,
well-being, and vitamin tips as well as reviews and comments on
popular diets.

As you can see by Kirsten's article she promotes everything
that I've been recommending here. Stay away from simple
sugars, eat plenty of whole fruits and veggies, increase your
protein intake to support your lean mass and drink plenty
of water!

low carb diet

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Carb Urges May Signal Future Disease Risk

A good low carb diet can help control insulin levels. This
may be even more beneficial for women with a history
of diabetes or heart disease.

Read the short article below for more.

Weight Gain, Carb Urges, Fatigue Signal Future Disease Risk

For women, excess weight in the midsection, carbohydrate
cravings and frequent fatigue may be warning signs of
something more serious. A new survey commissioned
by the National Women's Health Resource Center showed
that 75 percent of women ages 40 to 65 with a family
history of diabetes or heart disease experienced these

However, nearly one-third of all women surveyed did
not know they were signs of impaired insulin function, a
key risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The
most common symptoms experienced were excess weight
in the midsection, carbohydrate cravings and frequent

'When women who don't have diabetes hear the word
'insulin,' they tune out because they think it doesn't apply
to them,' said Audrey Sheppard, president and chief
executive officer of the National Women's Health Resource
Center, the leading independent health information source
for women. 'It is critical for women to look at these
symptoms as a wake-up call and understand that insulin
health is important for all of us.'

The survey, conducted by Harris Interactive and funded
through an unrestricted grant by Nutrition 21, also showed
94 percent of U.S. adult women are unaware that low
levels of the mineral chromium impact blood sugar.

Only 10 percent reported that their daily diet contains
sufficient amounts of chromium as recommended by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Chromium is an essential
mineral that helps improve insulin health the same way
calcium helps promote bone health.

'As a nutritionist, it's important to encourage people to be
active and eat a balanced diet. However, the average
American diet only supplies about 1 to 2 micrograms of
chromium per serving,' said Carolyn O'Neil, a registered
dietitian and author of the best-selling book "The Dish on
Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous."

"When choosing a supplement, women should select a
brand that is considered safe and effective," O'Neil said.
"For instance, Chromax is the most studied form of
chromium and its safety has been validated by government
health authorities."

Women can evaluate their insulin health and stay current
on the latest news and research by visiting

In addition, the National Women's Health Resource Center
has created tools to help women better understand and
take care of their blood sugar.
They are available for download at or by calling

low carb diet